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REZ RUNNER IS an active wear brand and running club dedicated to providing resources, products and services to build a healthier and stronger Native Country.


Rez Runner believes in a balanced lifestyle.

Health is wealth. We’ve teamed up with industry partners to bring mental and physical health resources to Native Country’s front door. Our Rez Runner events are geared toward promoting fitness and mental stability.


Historically Native Country has been inflicted with rampant alcoholism, obesity, diabetes and substance abuse at an exponentially higher rate than most populations in the US.  Rez Runner aims to end this vicious cycle. Approximately 4 in 10 Native American adolescents (aged 12-17 years) have a lifetime prevalence of illicit drug use. 10% of Indigenous Americans have a substance use disorder.  approximately 37% of American and Alaska Natives died from heart disease and cancer. An additional 11% were drug and alcohol induced. While diabetes claims 6% of native lives.


Rez Runner’s greatest weapons are education and accessibility. Our Rez Runner events are geared toward promoting fitness and mental stability. Our goal is to eradicate the sickness destroying our proud people through promoting fitness and mental health. Runners and guests will have access to nutrition professionals and fitness coaches while actively participating in healing events in a positive community environment. We’ve teamed up with industry partners to bring mental and physical health resources to Native Country’s front door. Run for life. 


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Run For life means to PRESERVE.

To face adversity head on and and to continue to move forward one step at a time. Distance running is a discipline that when practiced, will overflow into the rest of your life and begin to affect you positively. Runners learn that working through pain is what makes you stronger and that finishing what you started is the true measure of success.

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